Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties
Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties

Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties


$ 10.00 $ 15.50

From Baby Gund - Lena Rattle Booties.   New ultra plush booties with soft velcro fasteners and a delightfully gentle rattle inside that keeps baby's feet cozy while adding an element of cute, fun play to everyday outfits.
Luna, the Unicorn and Spunky the dog (in blue) are listed separately
GUND ITEM #6059030